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Rubriek Luister met... in De Pijpkrant

Column Listen with… in De Pijpkrant

In the column “Listen with…” Soundtrackcity interviews residents from De Pijp about the meaning of sound in their lives. What sounds do they hear and what sounds do they find appropriate in their living environment?

A better sounding city
The section Listen with… was conceived at Urban Sound Lab, where local residents, sound artists, and architects listen to the city together. Together they explore how to achieve a better-sounding city and how that contributes to the personal well-being of city residents.

The column Listen with… originated from an interest in how differently people listen to the world and from the idea that it is important to know what causes these different listening attitudes.

Episodes of the column first appear in the local magazine De Pijpkrant. Then they will also appear on the Soundtrackcity website. Below are the links to the published episodes:

Listen with Huub

Listen with Noa

Listen with René

Listen with Christina

Listen with Angelika

Listen with Juul

Listen with Michel