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Urban Sound Lab

Book presentation and listening walk through the Sarphati Park

Groen Gemaal, Sarphatipark, 1073 EN Amsterdam
A listening walk is a walk in which you focus your attention on the sounds in and around you

Listening Walk
A listening walk is a walk in which you focus your attention on the sounds in and around you, and you aim to become aware of how you listen to your environment. The Saphatipark is particularly suitable for such a listening walk. That is why Soundtrackcity, in collaboration with Het Groen Gemaal and Wijkcentrum de Pijp, has created a map with some listening points. The listening points are described in a handy booklet that you can use to shape your personal walk through the park.

On Friday 20 September the booklet will be presented at the Groene Gemaal. You are cordially invited to join us for the first walk from 4 p.m. Afterwards we have a drink together. Don’t you want to miss this? Sign up. Participation is free.

Listening Guide
The Listening Guide is a booklet full of exercises and questions that can help you experience the park from a new listening perspective. The book has been compiled by heritage expert Rosa Mul and sound artist Max van der Wal and is available free of charge at Soundtrackcity and at Groen Gemaal.

The Guide is realized in the context of Urban Sound Lab, a multi-year project in which local residents, in collaboration with artists, writers and composers, investigate the acoustic properties of Amsterdam South. At Groen Gemaal there is a special mailbox in which you can post your written listening experiences in the Park after your walk.