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Ontdek thuis met je oren

Discover home with your ears

Soundtrackcity launched the new workshop series ‘Discover home with your ears’ at the beginning of January. ‘Discover home with your ears’ is organised in cooperation with Combiwel and takes place in the Amstelhuis. The series of four workshops is led by Alison Isadora, composer, and Renate Zentschnig, artistic director Urban Sound Lab. Five participants explore the musical aspects of sounds at their homes and in the Amstelhuis. They make use of, among other things, our DIY listening guide Homing inside Out.

Ways of listening

During the first workshop, Alison introduced participants to different ways of listening such as for example relational listening and ‘Deep listening’ by Pauline Oliveros. She introduced participants to musical terms such as tempo, rhythm, pitch. With this knowledge, the participants started listening to and analysing sounds they had recorded at home in preparation for the workshop. This was a special experience for all participants.

Listening to the washroom

To conclude this first meeting, the participants went in the Amstelhuis laundry room to listen to sounds and tried to imitate them with various household objects such as spoons, paper, funnels and more. A wonderful method to connect active listening with sound-making and find musicality in everyday sounds.

Presentation 20 February

In subsequent meetings, participants recorded and explored more sounds at their homes. Finally, together with the support of composer Isadora, they will compose a short piece of music that will be publicly presented Thursday 20 February in the community room De Buurman in the Amstelhuis.