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Kippen in De Binckhorst

Live audio stream on the occasion of World Listening Day 2024

De Binckhorst, Den Haag
On the occasion of World Listening Day on July 18, Soundtrackcity will provide a live audio stream from the Binckhorst for 24 hours.

Listening to a live audio stream can be a profound experience, you feel urgency because the sounds are so immediate and at the same time fleeting. You can’t listen back to a stream, but it offers a chance to be fully in the moment. We hope to offer you this experience with our live audio stream at World Listening Day. Tune in to the stream from wherever you are on this world. The stream starts at 18 july 18:00h and will stop 24h later.

#WLD24 in De Binckhorst
The stream is originated at De Binckhorst in The Hague, The Netherlands, an industrial area that is being transformed into a live/work area. A population of wild chickens has long thrived in the De Binckhorst. The wild chickens are the original inhabitants, they live here, for them De Binckhorst is home, a living room, bedroom and dining room at once. The streaming microphone is their guest. What does 24h sound like from their home?

Link to the stream