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Soundtrackcity app is nu TRACKS


Soundtrackcity, our app for soundwalking has changed into TRACKS
The code of Soundtrackcity was already some years old and didn’t function well on the latest smartphones. TRACKS has been redeveloped from the ground up so everything works super smooth. But there is more, TRACKS has new functionalities and is not any more only oúr app for audiowalks.

Tracks, a curated platform
In the summer of 2020, we teamed up with five art organisations in Belgium; Jubilee, Beursschouwburg, BNA-BBOT, Overtoon and Q-O2 to create TRACKS as a curated platform for audiowalks made by artists from all the participating organisations.

So now you will find more walk in the app than ever before. Offering a growing collection of audiowalks and many functionalities, TRACKS connects anyone with a smartphone to the work of sound artists to be discovered in the most immediate way. You get TRACKS most easily by visiting with your phone and clicking on the link to the Appstore or Google Play there.

TRACKS gives you the possibility of finding soundwalks close to you or using various keywords, downloading or streaming them, orientating yourself on the interactive map which also triggers the programmed soundtracks if the artist chooses to, leaving feedback to the creators and sharing with others.

Audiowalks are guided walks thoughtfully combined with the sensory attention of listening. They offer stories, music, sound experiments, and all kinds of sensory information you might otherwise miss. Sight, scent, and feeling are present, but sounds take the lead. This modulates one’s usual sense of body and consciousness, promoting a new understanding of the environment. With every step, hear the artist play with sound, experiment with composition, and lead you to new perceptions. Think of a film, where sound and image are strongly linked and controlled by the artist. In audiowalks, the ‘point of view’ becomes the ‘point of hearing’.

  • TRACKS is a further development of Soundtrackcity, the app for audiowalks that Roeland Landegent first developed for Soundtrackcity in 2013.
  • TRACKS contains all walks produced by Soundtrackcity.
  • TRACKS unites the audiowalks produced by art organisations in Belgium and Amsterdam: Jubilee, Beursschouwburg, BNA-BBOT, Overtoon, Q-O2, and Soundtrackcity.
  • TRACKS is designed by Michiel Uilen and built by Echoes.
  • TRACKS is developed with the kind support of Visit.Brussels and the Municipality of Amsterdam.
  • TRACKS is launched in Brussels at 23 June 2023.