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Chickens and cars in the Binckhorst

Conversations of wild chickens in the Binckhorst

Remember World Listening Day last year when Michiel streamed the conversations of the wild chickens in the Binckhorst around the world for 24 hours? When you missed it you can now listen back as he put a few fragments of the stream on the recently published SoundUPmap.

The Binckhorst in The Hague is an industrial area that is being transformed into a live/work area. A population of wild chickens has thrived in the De Binckhorst for decades. The wild chickens are the original inhabitants, they live here, for them the Binckhorst is home, a living room, bedroom and dining room at once. With the streaming microphone we were their guests. The stream was part of, a participatory radio art project concerning the ecological crisis, its effects on our environment and on the possibilities for action. The project aims to establish a network of collaboration between individuals and organisations interested and engaged in these subjects, with all their respective practices from art and science to activism.

Sounding Urban Places (2024-25) is an interdisciplinary arts-based research project, which explores the experience of sound in urban environments currently in transformation. The project brings sound artists and researchers from different disciplines together, to develop new methods for community engagement and artistic approaches to urban sound as an integrated part of city planning. Sounding Urban Places wishes to contribute to the creation of more attractive living environments in future living areas in Europe.

From now on, every Thursday night, SoundUP streams enivronmental sound from the Binckhorst area of The Hague. Each time from a different (and secret) location. Listen on Thursdays at: