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Urban Sound Lab

International Presentation Play Play Play, all day every day

OBA, Public Library Amsterdam, Forumzaal Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam
On July 18 2022, we proudly presented our newest listening guide Play Play Play, all day every day. Play Play Play, all day every

On July 18 2022, we proudly presented our newest listening guide Play Play Play, all day every day.

Play Play Play, all day every day is an international first, a guide packed with creative listening assignments, produced by Soundtrackcity, an organization that aims to stimulate public awareness of the urban sonic realm and provide space for exchange and research into the personal listening experiences of citizens.

Intergenerational creation
After Homing Inside Out: A listening guide for home quarantine Play Play Play, all day every day is the second in a series of English-language listening guides aimed at an international audience. The creation of this guide is intergenerational; authors from different age groups have contributed to it. Play Play Play, all day every day contains 20 unique ‘scores’; listening exercises that anyone anywhere in the world can use to get into listening more consciously.
Developed and published by Soundtrackcity.

World Listening Day 2022
The date of July 18 is no coincidence. This day is ‘World Listening Day’, the day that annually celebrates the practice of listening in relation to the world around us, environmental awareness and acoustic ecology.

You are welcome to attend the presentation of Play Play Play, all day every day at 17:00 in the Forumzaal of the OBA, Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam.
How to reach the OBA on foot, by public transport or by bicycle / car:

Reservations at info@soundtrackcity
Renate Zentschnig from Soundtrackcity will give the opening speech and after that, two of the authors will do listening exercises with the audience.

You can order this publication at the shop if you want it sent to you
Presentation of publication ‘Play Play Play, all day every day’
Monday, 18 July 2022, 17:00
Forumzaal of the OBA, Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam