In the column “Listen with…” Soundtrackcity interviews residents from De Pijp about the meaning of sound in their lives. What sounds do they hear and what sounds do they find appropriate in their living environment? In Listen with Huub, we speak to Huub Krom, who has lived on the Jozef Israëlskade in De Pijp for 25 years.
Huub recognizes people by their voice rather than their face
“I was once a wayward teenager and, despite my limited vision, refused to wear glasses. Contact lenses were only allowed for me from the age of 18. At that time, my hearing was my primary sense, making sound an important part of my life.
Although I wear contact lenses today, my ears remain my main perceptual tool. This is particularly useful in my position as a voice director and coach. I specialize in recording, coaching and directing voices. Among other things, I create audio tours for museums and audio books.
I recognize people by their voice rather than their face. In a conversation, meanwhile, I also analyze someone’s voice. I listen to the way a voice vibrates, how loud someone talks and where the pauses fall. Your voice hides much less than your behavior.”
The Joseph Israelskade is getting busier and busier
I really used to be a city person; I enjoyed the sounds of the city, especially the night sounds gave me a special feeling. Nowadays I appreciate nature sounds more. Therefore, I regret that the Joseph Israelskade is becoming increasingly crowded. In the morning I am increasingly awakened by sounds of jackhammers and traffic. But sometimes I am still awakened by the sound of gulls, woodpeckers or crows, then my day starts well.
Although my neighborhood has become busier and noisier, since the death of my dog Rico, my house has become quieter. I miss the sound of Rico’s breathing and his pacing through the house. The absence of those sounds really strikes me.
I cherish sound, especially during concerts, but I can also enjoy listening to raindrops on my skylight. And the moment the sounds of the voice of a speaker I coach fill the room in its most natural form, I enjoy it immensely. For me, the voice is the access to the soul.”
Listen with Huub is part of the Listen with… of Urban Sound Lab, where local residents, sound artists, and architects listen to the city together. Together, they explore how to achieve a better-sounding city and how that contributes to the personal well-being of city residents. Find the other episodes here.