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About us


Michiel Huijsman
Business Leader

Visual artist and independent curator Michiel Huijsman co-founded Soundtrackcity and is responsible for general business operations. In addition, he has curated the Soundtrackcity project Sonic West together with Justin Bennett since 2017.

Before founding Soundtrackcity, Huijsman was involved in various art projects in Amsterdam’s public spaces, such as Wally O.K. (1996 – 2002) on the Oostelijke Handelskade, InnerCityWally (2002) in the city centre, Oehoe (2001) in the Vondelpark and Greenlight (2005) on the Damrak as a curator.

As a creator, Huijsman has several light installations to his name, such as The White Tube (2007) commissioned by the Municipality of Zaandam, BuitenVerlicht (2012) for the night of the Utrecht country estate and Gloei! (2013) at Pakhuis Wilhelmina on the Piet Heinkade in Amsterdam.

Renate Zentschnig
Artistic Director

Theatre scholar Renate Zentschnig has been active as a playwright, filmmaker, visual artist and sound artist since 1992. She is also Soundtrackcity’s spiritual mother.

In her theatre productions, Zentschnig always looks for ways to activate the audience and create new connections with the outside world. They usually take place on location and are performed by non-professional actors speaking about their own lives.

From 2002 onwards, Zentschnig started producing soundwalks in collaboration with sound artists Justin Bennett and Evelien van den Broek. She soon felt the need to further develop this relatively young art form by involving peers and colleagues from other disciplines. She also looked for new ways to reach the general public. In 2009, this gave rise to Soundtrackcity.