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Sound – Track – City, the urban sound walk | Ina Boiten

The three primeval elements of Soundtrackcity explained: sound, walking and the city. Where sound opens ears if not eyes, walking reinforces the rhythm and duality of the experience of time, and urbanity reinforces the experience of the city.
Soundtrackcity launched its new workshop series ‘Discover home with your ears’ led by Alison Isadora, composer, and Renate Zentschnig, artistic director Urban Sound Lab, in January.
In Deuren naar een gedeelde dimensie, a municipal publication on eight years of art in Stadsdeel Zuid, Urban Sound Lab was chronicled as one of 23 exemplary projects.
The picture presents an intriguing image, a somewhat cluttered but not unattractive arrangement of lots of different parts. But what is actually in the picture, what can this constellation tell us? Where are we?
For this seventh episode of Listen with, we speak to Michel Versteeg who can distinguish the different streetcars passing through the neighborhood by their sound.
Juul has noticed that certain sounds belong to certain days. She also likes a bit of commotion in the city.
Angelika came from a house full of music and experiences life as a symphony. Even in the Amstel House where she now lives, she sometimes lets that symphony of life be heard.
Noa loves the lively sounds in the Pijp where merchants tout their wares with a nice Amsterdam accent.
Soundtrackcity, our app for audiowalking has changed into TRACKS.
‘Play Play Play, all day every day’. The guide is for everyone who can (and wants to) play and listen.