Amsterdam ZuidAs bij Circl
initiative: Soundtrackcity
location: CIRCL
project management: Michiel Huijsman
redesign and adaptation human interface: Jet Schroot, Roeland Landegent
redesign object: Michiel Huijsman
additional construction and transport: Woodworks
Berlin Art Week bij Air Berlin Alexanderplatz 2021
initiative: Soundtrackcity and Tuned City
host: AIR Berlin Alexanderplatz
location: Haus der Statistik
project management: Michiel Huijsman
prepoduction on site: Julia Herfurth
field recordings: Peter Cusack, Vanessà Heer, Michiel Huijsman, Udo Noll
redesign and adaptation human interface: Jet Schroot, Roeland Landegent
redesign object: Michiel Huijsman
additional construction and transport: Woodworks
financially supported by: Creative Industries Fund NL and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands