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Het luisterobject 'On Tour'

In Amsterdam ZuidAs bij Circl. Berlin Art Week bij Air Berlin Alexanderplatz in 2021.

Het luisterobject 'On Tour'

In Amsterdam ZuidAs bij Circl. Berlin Art Week bij Air Berlin Alexanderplatz in 2021.

Symposium Sonic West

Sonic Aggregator Luisterobject
Amsterdam ZuidAs bij Circl
initiative: Soundtrackcity
location: CIRCL
project management: Michiel Huijsman
redesign and adaptation human interface: Jet Schroot, Roeland Landegent
redesign object: Michiel Huijsman
additional construction and transport: Woodworks
Berlin Art Week bij Air Berlin Alexanderplatz 2021
initiative: Soundtrackcity and Tuned City
host: AIR Berlin Alexanderplatz
location: Haus der Statistik
project management: Michiel Huijsman
prepoduction on site: Julia Herfurth
field recordings: Peter Cusack, Vanessà Heer, Michiel Huijsman, Udo Noll
redesign and adaptation human interface: Jet Schroot, Roeland Landegent
redesign object: Michiel Huijsman
additional construction and transport: Woodworks
financially supported by: Creative Industries Fund NL and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands