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Sonic West

Symposium Sonic West: collective urbanism through a multiplicity of listening

PBA De Hallen, Hannie Dankbaarheidpassage 10, 1053 RT Amsterdam
Invitation symposium Sonic West

Invitation symposium Sonic West: collective urbanism through a multiplicity of listening
We invited makers, artists, community members, students, designers, activists, politicians, theoreticians, humans and non-humans to come and think about the the societal significance and use of community art projects concerning itself with the sonic aspects of social life. The project Sonic West was be used as a concrete example to discuss questions like can shared listening practises lead the way to a more just city? This evening both speakers involved in the project as well as speakers with an outside view reflected upon these questions and enticed those present to ‘hear into’ a future more shared city.



Sonic West: collective urbanism through a multiplicity of listening
Thursday 21 November 17:30
OBA De Hallen, Belcampo Entresol
Doors open: 17.30
Start: 17.45


17.30    Registration

17.45    Welcome and introduction

Michiel Huijsman, Artist, initiator Soundtrackcity, curator Sonic West

17.50    Presentation

Justin Bennett, Artist, curator Sonic West:
Public space as acoustic territory

18.05    Presentation

Mayke Haringhuizen and Fani Konstantinidou, artists in residence Sonic West:
The sound of Green Space

18.15    Presentation

Michiel Huijsman:
The multiplicity of sonic perception

18.30    Presentation

Donia Jourabchi and Taufan ter Weel, artists in residence Sonic West:

18.40    Lecture

Arie Altena, writer and editor. Author of ‘Wat is Community Art?’
Some social and political aspects of listening

18.55    Discussion, Q&A

All present and on stage: Arie Altena, Justin Bennett, Mayke Haringhuizen, Michiel Huijsman, Fani Konstantinidou, Donia Jourabchi and Taufan ter Weel

19.15    Drinks and bites


This symposium was Developed by Soundtrackcity in the context of the project Sonic West in collaboration with OBA De Hallen. English spoken.


Admission free
Reservation is required due to limited seats.

This event is not sponsored or subsidized. Voluntary contributions are very welcome. Please transfer 15 euro to the bank account of Soundtrackcities Amsterdam, IBAN: NL97 TRIO 0777 9295 62 Symposium Thursday, 21 November, 17.30 OBA De Hallen, Hannie Dankbaarpassage 10, 1053 RT Amsterdam