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Corona Audio Archives

Scores in Homing inside out On World Listening Day, July 18th 2020 we presented Homing inside out – A listening guide for home quarantine. Homing inside out provides a collection of scores for a do-it-yourself home expedition filled with listening-exercises. The guide is a coproduction of Steim, The Mystifieres, Soundtrackcity and a team of artists. […]

Slowdown Amsterdam

We, Soundtrackcity, the Mystifiers and STEIM, invite you to slow down with us and to focus simply by listening.

Slowdown Amsterdam

DESCRIPTION Time moves quickly in a city as Amsterdam. We, Soundtrackcity, the Mystifiers and STEIM, invite you to slow down with us and to focus simply by listening. Slowdown Amsterdam is an audio walk narrated with quarantine city sounds, reflections and music by the bandmembers of The Mystifiers, a representative orchestra, taking you on a […]

Podcast: soundtracksilence

De afgelopen weken hebben onze stagiairs Romy en Ruben hard gewerkt aan hun podcast Soundtracksilence. Omdat zij niet langer bij mensen langs konden om hen naar geluidservaringen te vragen, hebben ze interviews online of telefonisch afgenomen. Vinden Amsterdammers de rust prettig, of wordt er stilletjes verlangd naar de stad zoals deze was voor corona uitbrak? […]